#openmandriva-council Meeting

Meeting started by itchka at 18:48:52 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. New ABF (itchka, 18:50:24)
    1. https://abf.openmandriva.org/avokhmin/youku_client (avokhmin, 19:22:49)

  2. Website Project Management (itchka, 19:48:10)
    1. ACTION: New style for LP site is "K" style (itchka, 20:18:00)
    2. ACTION: Discuss how to call for donations on our website. (itchka, 20:26:57)
    3. ACTION: Review progress of landing page at next meeting. Present new page (itchka, 20:30:45)

Meeting ended at 20:39:10 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. New style for LP site is "K" style
  2. Discuss how to call for donations on our website.
  3. Review progress of landing page at next meeting. Present new page

People present (lines said)

  1. itchka (70)
  2. avokhmin (41)
  3. ashledombos_ (29)
  4. rugyada (23)
  5. chwido (4)
  6. klebedeff (3)
  7. franciscopk (3)

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